Jumat, 27 Oktober 2017

Passive Smoking and Its Effect! Read This

Nearly every smoker knows the dangers of smoking, yet they do not quit despite knowing the outcomes. They also try to rationalize their habit saying "It only hurts me, so if i am not worried, why are you?". But unfortunately, these smokers do no know that apart from hurting themselves, they also pose a major threat to people who are around them. Time and again researchers have insisted that passive smoking is more hazardous than the regular smoking. Many times smokers don't see that there might be a prenant lady sitting beside them or there might be small children who might be inhaling the smoke exhaled by them. All those who are nearby a smoker while he smokes have dangerous effects on their health.

I am sure there are some of you who want to know what passive smoking is. Passive smoking is also termed as "second hand smoking". Second hand smoking is the combination of smoke coming out of burning cigarette and the smoke coming out of the smokers mouth or nose. This combined smoke contains more amounts of harmful chemicals than the regular cigarette inhaled smoke. It includes two times more Tar and Nicotine. So that means people who live around smokers stand higher chance risk than the smoker himself. Passive smoking causes lung diseases, heart diseases and other illness, when a person is constantly exposed to such combined smoke.

The only advice to those who are still smoking is that if not for yourself, think about those who live around you.

But best advice is that you QUIT SMOKING!
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