Jumat, 27 Oktober 2017

3 Ways to Beat Depression

Depression is pretty horrible. However, depressed thoughts come and go. This post is designed to give you a few small (but big) ways to beat depression every time.

1) Realize that depression is transient - Like a rainbow, a puddle, a bubble or a cloud in the sky depression does not last. It never does and it never will.

2) Be careful with the label I have depression - Why?

Because the diagnosis you have depression is very solid. It is very fixed. It seems unchangeable. But like I noted in the first point, depression is actually very transient. It is impermanent. It doesn't last. But when you are told you have depression you run the risk of labeling yourself as a depressed person. And that is very solid.

3) Learn the value of human contact
  • Knowing people love you makes a difference
  • Being around other people helps
The two lessons here are about helping people with depression and helping yourself when you have depression. If you are depressed you need to get out and be around people. It doesn't matter how you do it, science has shown that having human contact helps depression.

The second thing is that if you know someone who is feeling down you should go and help them. Get them out of the house, take them out for a walk and get them out with people. This will not only help their situation, it will also help your depression.
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