Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

Nutrition Requirements for Vegetarians

Since the main source of nutrition for vegetarians are plant products, for their overall optimum nutrition requirements, they need to take care of sufficient intake of mainly four nutrients:

Proteins: In order to fulfill your daily requirement of proteins, which are rich in amino acids, you can try out a combination of foods that can provide you with enough calories. Some extremely good sources of proteins include, whole grains, lentils, peas, nuts, seeds, beans, etc.

Iron: This is one of the most important nutrients for our body. Some foods rich in iron content are, dark green vegetables, dried fruits, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, iron-fortified breads and cereals, etc. Another way in which you can provide iron for your body is by cooking most of your food in iron pots and pans.

Calcium: Experts report that, the minimum calcium requirement for our body is at least 1300 mg per day. In order to meet this requirement, you can have foods like low-fat and fat-free dairy products like, yogurt or milk, plant foods like, spinach, mustard, turnip greens as well as calcium-fortified cereals and juices.

Vitamins: Vitamins are very essential for our body, mainly Vitamin D, since, it allows easy absorption of calcium. There are several Vitamin D rich products that you can consume like, soy milk products. However, the best source of Vitamin D is undoubtedly sunlight. There are also several Vitamin D supplements available that you can consider taking.

Apart from Vitamin D, another vitamin which needs to have a proper uptake in the body is Vitamin B-12. Produced basically by bacteria in soil and by animals, vegans can have their daily supply of this nutrient from Vitamin B-12 fortified soy milk or can take multivitamin and mineral supplement.
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