Jumat, 27 Oktober 2017

Deja-vu Causing Anxiety

The exact definition for Deja-vu remains to be vague. What most people still are unaware about is the fact that there are not one but three different types of Deja-vu depending upon the type of experience i.e. an already experienced situation, feeling or place. This can be explained as follows:


This explains a feeling of having already experienced or lived through a certain situation. This is one of the most common types of Deja-vu, known to occur most commonly among youngsters between the age of 15 to 25 years. The most interesting fact about this type is that, some of these memories might be so striking that you may remember them for years after the occurrence of the event. Another commonly experienced fact regarding Deja-vecu is the amazing detail involved, where everything seems to confirm with your memory of it. This is one of the primary reasons for people to have a feeling that they have already experienced a similar situation.


This explains a feeling of having previously felt a similar kind of emotion or sentiment. The term Deja-senti is quite often confused as being something similar to Deja-vecu, however, unlike Deja-vecu, Deja-senti is an exclusive mental happening. It can be considered as something appearing in the aura of temporal lobe epilepsy attacks. One of the most characteristic features of this type is that, there are almost no precognitive aspects where the persons feel that they know in advance what will be said or done. Also, it rarely remains in the afflicted person's memory afterwards. Deja-senti is basically thought to occur as a result of something already occupying the mind but, which has been forgotten for quite some time and comes back when a similar situation is consciously sought for.


This explains a feeling that a particular place has been already visited sometime in the past, while it might actually be a completely new place for you. You just seem to know your way around the place which forces you to consider the situation even more. Surprisingly, this is also a commonly confused phenomenon with Deja-vecu. There are three basic theories to explain the occurrence of Deja-visite. One of the first theories suggests reading a detailed account of the place sometime in the past which you might have forgotten in time. While the second theory is based on the belief of reincarnation, the third theory is based on the possibility of so-called 'out-of-body' experiences, in which the person is able to travel abroad.
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