Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

Healthy Fiber Food and Drinks

High fiber foods are sold in many different forms today, and the best way to ingest fiber is to eat raw fruits and vegetables. The challenge, though, is how to eat 25-35 grams of fiber in five servings of raw fruits and vegetables every day.

Fortunately, you don't have to consume mass quantities of plants to achieve the results that high fiber foods can offer for keeping your digestive system running smoothly. There are now some fiber drinks available in natural, tasty shakes that you can mix with water or other liquids for all the essential vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates you need. Throw in a few frozen banana pieces or berries to mix with the powdered shakes and you are quickly on your way to the fiber and nutrients you need each day. Best of all, the shakes taste good and contain FOS, fructooligasacharides, a pro biotic soluble fiber found in foods like garlic, onions or barley. Who wants to have garlic or onions for breakfast when it's easier to have a quick, tasty shake made with real strawberries or cocoa? That makes it so easy to get more essential fiber, complex carbohydrates and natural antioxidants for breakfast than most people get all day.

Drinking diet sodas or high fructose, high caffeine and high sugar energy drinks to get fit is like lifting 12 oz cans of beer to build muscle up. Those types of drinks only tear your body down, while health drinks made from all natural ingredients give your body the nutrients it is crying out for to keep going strong. 

Rich foods are the secret to happiness... And natural way to keep your mind away from depression. Researches for good food came across that fiber foods contain too much sugar and are hard to digest in comparison with all natural foods. To keep your body running smoothly healthy and high Fiber Food Is Good For Your Mood, natural weight loss and depression too.
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