Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

Benefits of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is very useful for our health. There are many benefits of vitamin A, as they help protect against cancer and other diseases, improve vision, there are bones strong, improve your skin such as acne, reduce fine lines of the skin and reduce age spots.

This vitamin is especially useful in diseases caused by viruses. Measles, respiratory viruses, and even human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS, blood levels of vitamin A in the presence of vitamin return at a time in people with viral illnesses can be. After receiving an additional amount of the vitamin, the body is able to mount their defenses, is often a quicker recovery. However, one can increase the risk of infection according to the findings of a recent study, vitamin. HIV infection, preformed vitamin, for example, a single HIV to replicate encourage the intake of vitamin A may be the best bet for these patients is limited.

Benefit of Vitamin - A

These are a few examples of benefits of vitamin A to us :
  1. Act as anti-oxidant, helping to protect our cells against cancer and other disease
  2. Vitamin A improves our vision and prevents night blindness
  3. This vitamin promotes formation of strong bones
  4. Vitamin A guards us against bacterial, viral, parasitic infections
  5. Guards us against heart disease, stroke and lowers blood cholesterol level
  6. It can improve skin condition like acne or psoriasis
  7. A well-known wrinkle eliminator, vitamin A reduces fine lines in the skin and helps fade age spots.
  8. Vitamin A supplements may help kids who have respiratory problem
  9. The supplement is also believed to help people suffering from glaucoma and measles.
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