Jumat, 27 Oktober 2017

Anxiety And Stress Symptoms

Quite often you may enter into an episode of anxiety and stress without being conciously aware about it. Thus, you need to increase your familiarity with the symptoms that you may recognise during such times.
  • Exhaustion: This is supposedly one of the foremost symptoms of anxiety, depression or stress. You just don't seem to find the energy to perform even simple household tasks and your motivation level drips down. Exhaustion is something which is both physically and mentally crushing.
  • Disturbed Sleeping Patterns: This is one of the most frequently and commonly observed symptoms at times of stress and depression. At times it might even be accompanied by vivid dreams or nightmares. You may either show oversleeping or undersleeping pattern.
  • Irritable: Irritability is a major symptom characterising stress and anxiety. Under stress conditions, you normally become so frustrated that you tend to lose your temper at the smallest of accident or mishap. Your patience level becomes thin and you lose on your tolerence ability.
  • Headaches: This is more of a physical symptom and in some cases can turn into migrain. These can prove out to be really stressful at times.
  • Loss Of Appetite: A symptom most frequently observed under conditions of stress is loss of appetite. No one feels like eating when they are stressed out or tired. However, reducing your food intake actually makes you more lethargic and further effects your energy level causing anxiety.
  • Racing Heartbeat: This is more of a symptom for anxiety and stress than for depression. Anxiety accounts for high emotional state resulting in increased adrenaline flow in your body, thereby causing your heart to race fast.
  • Muscle Pain: A symptom typically characterized in stress sufferers. This pain can at times be very painful but what makes it more painful is the fact that most often the sufferers are unaware that the pain is a symptom of depression.
  • Isolation: This is more of a self imposed suffering. Retreating into a solitary world is one of the major symptoms of depression. The person just doesn't feel like interacting with the outside world and rather prefers to be left alone.
  • Excessive Worry: Sometimes stress sufferers tend to worry unnecessarily. The person becomes such a pessimist that he is unable to find positive outcomes to anything. Infact, at times the sufferers lose all sense of self worth and overly critical self-deprecation is performed, adding to the torment.
Stress can ruin ones life life in more than one ways and I am one big example of that. But all said and done what has helped me most is yoga. I have been practicing this for some time now and and have been considerably benefited from that.

Steps to perform Synchronized Breathing

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with your back upright.
  2. Inhale rapidly through your nose as you tilt your head back while simultaneously inflating your abdomen.
  3. Immediately exhale quickly through your mouth as you bow your head down while compressing your abdomen.
  4. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
  5. Then relax with your head vertical and concentrate on the top of your head, the mid-brow area and the centre of your chest simultaneously while breathing slowly for 30 seconds.
  6. Repeat the entire process three times.
The spiritual power centre at the top of your head regulates the pineal gland and melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep cycles.

When to practice this method

  • You can practice this daily before going to bed
  • Before returning home from work so you don't bring stress to your family
  • Before important meetings
  • Whenever you feel stressed

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