Jumat, 27 Oktober 2017

Relieving Stress Thru Cell Renewal

With the declining economy, stress and worries are at an all time high. Stress is the cause of many emotional and physical conditions. The wonderful thing is - we can learn how to control and even omit worry and stress.

Every single day you replace more than 300 billion cells. You control the quality of those new cells by your behaviours and choices; it's not entirely genetic. Only 35% of how you experience the degeneration or aging process is pre-determined. This means you can reduce damage to your cells and increase repair instead, resulting in building a better body one cell at a time.

Stress define as symptoms commonly include a state of alarm and adrenaline production, short-term resistance as a coping mechanism, and exhaustion, as well as irritability, muscular tension, inability to concentrate and a variety of physiological reactions such as headache and elevated heart rate.
Think of it as a seesaw: on one side is repair, on the other, damage. With the stresses of everyday life compounded by aging, your body's ability to repair itself declines. When damage accelerates, it pushes up on the damage side of the seesaw.

Every day, there is an ongoing seesaw of damage and repair within every cell of your body. Because of this, there are certain things that you must do to ensure these cells receive the proper nutrients they need to build better cells for tomorrow.

Everyone needs to nourish, restore, fortify, and vitalize their cells for optimal health and regeneration.
  • NOURISH : Get the essential nutrients you need to be healthy. Your body needs fuel to thrive, and these products help provide that fuel:delivering critical elements for optimal cell health, weight management, hormone balance, and stress relief.*
  • RESTORE : Develop optimal cell function to prevent health risks. Each day the body suffers damage from forces that degenerate our vital functions.
  • FORTIFY : Defend your body against the ravages of everyday life. Strengthening your cells is the best way to protect them against the damaging environmental and other forces they constantly face.
  • VITALIZE : Enhance your energy to feel and do your best.
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