Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

Nutrition – Role Played in Our Health

Nutrition as it applies to our daily lives means that we take in what we need to maintain our body’s healthy state. Nutrition has become an important word thanks to the involvement of the USDA in our daily food requirements, and the FDA’s involvement in determining what is and is not dangerous for us to consume.

What about eating habits? What about vitamins? What role does our daily intake play in our health? More than you have been lead to believe or understand. The body’s ability to remain well under anything other than ideal conditions is a direct result of the nutrition received on a daily basis.

The mind’s ability to remain well is, again, a direct result of our nutritional intake. For instance, the human brain doesn’t develop well without the necessary input of protein in our daily diet. No protein, no intelligence.

Nutrition refers to the nurturing of our body, in our ability to keep it healthy and functioning as it is supposed to do. Our ability to provide the body with all it’s necessary food, vitamins, and minerals so that we continue to thrive in our daily life processes.

How do we determine that we are providing the essential nutritional needs? That knowledge comes by educating ourselves about what our individual needs are, the needs of our family, and then taking that knowledge and applying it to the foods we buy, that we prepare, and that our families consume. 

Nutrition – Role Played in Our Health

Nutrition plays a very important role, giving energy to the human body.
  • A: The process of absorbing nutrients from food and processing them in the body in order to keep healthy, fit or to grow
  • B: The science that deals with food and effects on health
A nutrient is any substance that provides nourishment, for example the minerals that a plant takes from the soil or the constituents in food that keep a human body healthy and keep it grow.

Nutrition comes from a variety of foods and each interacts with and provides a balance for the body. Do not neglect a wide choice of foods, including grains, fruits and vegetables and protein. Lean beef, fish, poultry, even wild game can provide great sources of protein. Plant proteins are less complete and if not researched can lack certain minerals that provide the right balance for good health, especially in children, teens, and pregnant women. Lean beef, for example, provides the equivalent of a multi-vitamin supplement, but also provides heme-iron, vitamins B-6 and B-12, zinc, niacin, and phosphorus. It also contains CLA, which is shown to be heart-healthy.

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