Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

Healthy Diet Tips for Teenagers

Eat breakfast.

After a long night of studying, there's barely enough time just to get out of bed, brush your hair and teeth and get to school on time. But breakfast is probably the most important meal of the day. Eating a good breakfast prevents you from overeating later in the day. If you don't have time to sit down and eat at home, at least grab something like a banana that you can eat on-the-go.

Bring your own lunch.

Who knows what goes into those lunches that they give out at school. Even things that look healthy are sometimes unhealthy and these days there's a plethora of unhealthy foods available in the school lunch line. By bringing your own lunch, you have more control over the foods that you are eating. You can be sure that everything going into your body is healthy.

No soda.

Sorry. I know that this is a hard one, but if you want to lose weight the soda has to go. It's almost always a bad idea to drink your calories and soda's calories only come from sugar. If you must have your soda, switch to diet. (Actually, many people report effortlessly losing weight after cutting soda from your diet. Try it! You might be surprised!) 

One of the reasons that adults experience weight problems and ill-health, is because they followed drastic or unhealthy weight loss diets during their teenage years. Dieting to reduce weight is not recommended until growth (including internal physical development) has ceased, usually around the age of 18. If you are younger than this, and very overweight, your doctor can help you by putting you in contact with a dietician who will create a healthy eating plan to allow growth to continue but prevent further weight gain. Ideally, discuss this with your parents.

Three Quick and Easy Fat Loss Tips

Losing excess fat doesn't have to be difficult. If you are looking to drop a bit of extra fat, then give these three quick and easy fat loss suggestions a try.
  1. Drink WATER: and lots of it. This is the simplest but maybe the most effective thing you can do to aide fat loss. Forget about soft drinks (even the diet ones are loaded with salt) and juice (too many carbs). Good old H2O is the only way to go.
  2. Switch from a diet plan focused around carbohydrates (breads, pastas, fruits, etc.) to one focused around lean sources of protein (egg whites, skinless chicken and turkey breast, fish, whey based protein powders and MRPs, etc.)
  3. Eat small frequent meals to keep your metabolism burning on high. You CANNOT go 5 or 6 hours without eating, get extremely hungry, and pigout with one huge meal. This is without a doubt the worst way to eat possible, and you'll never drop fat with this method. Instead, eat small portions every 3 hours or so throughout the day. 
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