Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

Eating Habits to Gain Weight

Well, No magic food causes weight and food is inherently fattening. Eat a variety of meat dishes, vegetables, dairy products, cereals, fruits, vegetables and a small amount of fat a day. Vegetables and fruits are good source of vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates in fruits, milk, cereals and legumes for energy fast, February 1 hours, when the protein of milk, meat and vegetables to keep you satisfied for 4 hours. Fat, meat and milk and fat added to food to keep you satisfied with 6 hours.

Here’s what you should do to gain your weight
  1. Focus first on your eating habits, as those are most important to long term health. Do a one-month challenge that focuses on replacing some of the unhealthier things you might eat with healthy things like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein (either lean meats, poultry and fish, or vegetarian protein like nuts, beans, tofu, soy meats, etc) and the like.
  2. After that one-month challenge, focus on strength training. You don’t need to become a bodybuilder or anything, but really there’s no way to build muscle without some kind of exercise, and weights are best. You don’t need to do a lot of exercises and spend hours doing them. Do some research on the web, but I would suggest starting with simple exercises like pushups, crunches, lunges, squats with no weights, pullups, etc that you can do at home. After a few weeks, you can add some dumbbells or a barbell with weights, and do some compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and the like.
  3. Protein power. When you do strength training, get some extra protein both before and after your workout to maximize muscle building. Again, you don’t need to bulk up or anything, but if you want to add a little muscle to your frame, you’ll need to get some protein. I suggest whey or soy protein powder to make a shake with milk or soymilk ‘ drink some before and after a workout.
  4. Low reps, higher weights. A lot of people try to do a high number of repetition for low number of weights, but it’s really best to do a higher amount of weight (build up to it though!) with lower amount of reps ‘ that’s how you build muscle. Again, we’re not talking about bodybuilder muscle, just about building muscle without having to spend all day in the gym.
  5. Legs, not your biceps. When doing strength workouts as mentioned above, focus on your bigger muscles rather than smaller ones. Big ones are in the legs and back, while smaller ones include things like biceps. It’s much easier to build some mass in your legs than it is in your arms. I’m not saying to ignore your smaller muscles, I’m just saying that you’ll maximize your workout time by focusing on the big muscles ‘ and if you do the compound exercises I mentioned, you will also be including the smaller muscles, which is why those are the best exercises.

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